Last revision: 28-01-2023

First and foremost, we DO NOT sell your personal information. However, when you visit or interact with our sites, services, applications, tools or messaging, we or our authorized service providers may use cookies, web beacons or other similar technologies to enhance your experience, to make it faster and more secure, for advertising purposes, to allow us to continually improve our sites, services, applications and tools. Any personal information or data collected by these technologies is used solely by us or our authorized service providers on our behalf.

You remain in charge

Except for those considered "essential" (see below), if you do not wish to accept these technologies in connection with your visit to or use of our sites, services, applications, tools or messaging, you may visit our page and you may also exercise the additional options described below.

What are cookies, web beacons and similar technologies

These technologies are essentially small data files placed on your computer, tablet, cell phone or other device (collectively, a "Device") that allow us to record information when you visit or interact with our websites, services, apps, messaging and other tools. Although these technologies are often referred to generically as "Cookies," each works slightly differently, and is explained below:

Cookies: Cookies are small (usually encrypted) text files placed in your browser or device memory when you visit a website or view a message. Cookies allow a website to recognize a particular device or browser. There are several types of cookies:

  • Session cookies expire at the end of your browser session and allow us to associate your actions with a specific browser session.

  • Persistent cookies are stored on your device between browser sessions, allowing us to remember your preferences or actions across multiple sites.

  • Internal cookies are set by a website visited by a user to preserve your settings (while you are on our site).

  • Third-party cookies are placed in your browser by a website, or domain, that is not the website or domain you are currently visiting. If a user visits a website and another entity sets a cookie through that website, it is a third-party cookie.

Cookies are used for various purposes on our website. For example, we use cookies to store information that allows us to present our site in your local language, or prices in local currency. We also use cookies to communicate data to our servers when you visit our site, which allows you to stay logged into your account during your visit or to maintain the site preferences you select. Preventing your browser from accepting internal cookies will prohibit the placement of certain cookies classified as "Essential."

Spy pixels: A web beacon (also known as a "web beacon" or "image beacon") is a small file (most commonly a clear, 1x1 GIF file) that is loaded onto our web pages. These pixels may work in conjunction with cookies to collect information about your visit, web browser/device, browsing activity or site behavior and make this information available to service providers. Pixels are most commonly used to collect anonymous traffic metrics (page views, button clicks, order processing) used to analyze site performance.

Scripts: A script is a small piece of website code placed on our websites to optimize customer service tools, such as live chat, facilitate the delivery of video tutorials in our help section, and allow us to provide interactive experiences for visitors. Scripts are also used to collect data that we use for website analysis or to provide data on the effectiveness of our advertising.

Similar Technologies: Technologies that store information in your browser or device using local shared objects or local storage, such as flash cookies, HTML 5 cookies, or other web application software methods. These technologies may work on all of your browsers. In some cases, these technologies may not be fully supported by your browser and may require direct support through your installed applications or device. We do not use these technologies to store information for the purpose of targeting advertisements, on or off our sites.

What technologies do we use and why

Our cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies are used for a number of purposes, but generally (1) they are necessary or essential to the operation of our sites, services, applications, tools, or messaging, (2) they help us improve performance or provide you with additional functionality, (3) they help us deliver relevant and targeted advertisements, or (4) they allow us to provide support tools that you use to interact with our customer service agents :

Strictly necessary or essential: "Strictly necessary" or "essential" cookies, web beacons or similar technologies allow you to move around the website and use essential features such as shopping carts and secure areas. Without these technologies, the services you have requested cannot be provided. Please note that these technologies do not collect information about you that can be used for marketing purposes or to remember the websites you have visited. Acceptance of these technologies is a condition of using our sites, services, applications, tools and messaging; if you use tools that may prevent them from loading, we cannot guarantee your use or how security will behave during your visit.

Performance: Performance technologies may include internal or third-party cookies, web beacons and scripts, which are placed to collect information about how you use our website (the pages you visit, any errors you encounter, load time). These cookies do not collect any personally identifiable information about you and are used solely to help us improve the operation of our website, to understand what our users are interested in, and to measure the effectiveness of our content by providing anonymous statistics and data about the use of our website.

Advertising: Advertising technology may include internal and third-party cookies, web beacons and scripts, placed to collect information about the effectiveness of our marketing efforts, to provide personalized content or to generate data that allows us to serve advertising that matches your specific interests on our sites, as well as on third-party websites. We also use third party service providers to assist us in delivering the same functions, which means that our authorized service providers may also place cookies, web beacons and similar technologies on your device through our services (internal and third party cookies). They may also collect information that may help them identify your device, such as your IP address, or other unique or device identifiers.

Technical Support: Support technologies may include internal and third-party cookies, web beacons and scripts, placed to provide you with tools to interact with our customer service teams. This technology allows us to provide chat services, collect customer feedback and offer other tools to assist our visitors. Data collected for these purposes is never used for marketing or advertising.

Management, control and removal of these technologies


You can block cookies by activating the setting in your browser that allows you to decline the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you adjust your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies), this may limit your use of certain features or functions of our website or services. Unless you have adjusted your browser settings to refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies whenever you visit our site. 

Internet browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the "options" or "preferences" menu of your Internet browser. The following links may help you understand these settings. Alternatively, you should use the "help" option in your Internet browser for more details.

If you wish to withdraw your consent at any time, you will need to delete your cookies via your Internet browser settings.

More information about cookies

Contact us

We hope that the information contained in this policy will provide you with clear information regarding the technologies we use and the purposes for which we use them. However, if you have additional questions or require further information, please review our Privacy Policy or contact us at info@aumbrussels.be